Staying active during your summer holidays is about making your health and fitness a priority and a lifestyle no matter when or where! Long gone are the days when your health and fitness routine gets compromised when traveling :)
If anything, the best time to exercise is while on vacation. You can maintain and even improve your fitness levels while you are on holiday, because you actually have more time on your hands and you don't even have to enter a gym to do so! Fitness during summer holidays can include walking, hiking, swimming, stretching, sunrise or sunset yoga among many more activities! You can even rent a bike and tour the city or better yet, walk during your tour and go site seeing by foot. You can take the stairs and avoid taking the lift as often as possible. Stair climbing alone will help boost your metabolism and heart rate.
You can always fit in a short 10 minute mini workout every morning right from the comfort of your room, including:
30 to 60 seconds of jumping jacks
10 push-ups off or on your knees
10 to 20 squats
15 to 30 bicycle reps
20 seconds to 1 minute plank holds
This workout requires no equipment, just your body weight and can be done anywhere and at anytime. If you prefer a gym, make sure the hotel you are staying in has one and have your workout clothes laid out the night before by your bed side. That’s what I do for motivation!
If your vacation consists of hiking and touring, that alone will burn off a ton of calories and keep your endurance and strength levels high and active.
Incorporating fitness during your summer holidays no longer has to be a chore. Keep it simple and make sure you are not sedentary too often while away. Stay active and don’t allow your heart rate to stay dormant for too long. Meaning you have to feel short of breath sometimes and break a sweat when you can or park your car a few feet away from your destination and get walking. Aim to get 10,000 steps in a day if not more, and track your fitness and heart rate to make sure you are staying active.
Remember, an active heart rate zone for most is above 100 beats per minute and a heart rate between 120 and up to 150 beats will be your fat burning, endurance / fitness zone for most.
Once your summer holidays are over or you’ve returned from your travels, you’ll be relieved and most importantly happy that you kept your fitness and health on track, so you don’t have to work extra hard to get your fitness back on track once you’ve returned!
Author: Jennifer Chalouhi www.jennifercfit.com/.