Movember is an annual campaign in the month of November focused on raising awareness of men's health issues such as prostate and testicular cancer.
If you're a man reading this, start NOW, because prevention is better than cure. If you're a woman reading this, inform your partner, male family members about the risks to raise awareness and encourage lifestyle changes starting today.
Here are 6 tips to keep diseases away:
1. Have regular checkups – Physical checks once a year are highly recommended – regardless of your age or condition.
2. See a doctor when something doesn’t seem right - If you notice changes in your sleep, bathroom habits or anything else, schedule an appointment with your doctor to make sure everything is okay. Many chronic health issues appear as minor problems at the beginning - these can be prevented when detected early. It's better to be safe than sorry!
3. Know your family history – If any of your family members have a history of prostate cancer, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes or other chronic health conditions, you may be at higher risk for developing those conditions yourself. It's important to develop healthy habits early and have an action plan to minimize your risks.
4. Get some exercise - we know that regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to reduce and manage chronic conditions. Get a workout buddy, get active with your favorite sport or get a new gym membership. If you're struggling to get moving, try 3 x 10 minute sessions everyday at home and build up from there. Remember, something is ALWAYS better than nothing!
5. Eat well - Food is slow medicine, so be sure to eat antioxidant, plant-rich wholesome foods regularly and consistently. Set a plan for yourself, keep your kitchen clear of unhealthy processed foods, don't skip meals and drink plenty of fluids!
6. Take a break - Have some "you" time, know when to stop to avoid spiked stress levels. Take care of your home, go for a jog, talk to your friends, read a book, listen to music.