It's no secret the planet needs rescuing. The question is, what can you do about it? The answer is a lot, from the comfort of your couch!
Eat Clean has collaborated with a global non-profit organization to give back to nature, by donating 1$ per meal plan sold to plant a tree.
1. Why deforestation matters.
Deforestation is the second biggest cause of climate change. Deforestation also leads to major losses of habitat for all kinds of species, including indigenous people. This loss of habitat and destruction of natural resources can have major impacts on food production all over the world.
Trees are chopped down every day to clear lands to be used for commercial purposes. These trees can grow back, but they won't grow back fast enough considering the rate at which we’re cutting them down.
2. What you can do about it.
We all wish we could give back more, but the reality is that life gets in the way. This way, you guarantee doing your part, all the while taking care of your body.
With this initiative and collaboration between Eat Clean and One Tree Planted, every time you buy a meal plan, you can be sure that at least 1 tree will be planted on your behalf.
Other than contributing to plant trees, it's important to consider lifestyle changes that can reduce our need for more raw materials from trees. Reuse and recycle!
Try to support brands that go green and are environmental friendly to reduce your indirect impact on deforestation.
3. How it works.
It's super simple; as soon as your meal plan is purchased on our website, the donation goes straight to One Tree Planted in order to plant your tree!
If you would like to know more or donate extra to plant more trees, please reach out to us on info@eatcleanme.com.